Free Trees for Oak Hill - Through 9/5/2023

Nashville is losing trees, yet they provide so many benefits. Be part of the solution with your own yard!

Your neighborhood has been selected to receive free trees. Your planting captain lives nearby and can
help answer your questions. 

-Up to 3 free trees per household
-5 species to choose from: learn more at
-1-inch caliper container trees, in 15-gallon
-containers (6+ feet tall)
-We deliver, you plant
-Sign-up deadline: September 5, 2023

-Delivery window:
sometime in fall or winter

Go to this link or scan QR code

Your Neighborhood Planting Captain is Jen Liepis, who lives nearby on Evans Rd. Reach out to your Captain with questions: (347) 417-3826 or

This program is offered by the Cumberland River Compact, in support of the Root Nashville campaign.