The City’s brush and yard trimmings collection vendor, Clean Earth, will no longer be able to accept plastic bags; only paper bags will be accepted. Paper bags meant for yard waste should look like the one pictured here and will typically be made of brown, kraft paper, which is compostable. This is the result of changes at the disposal site, where they will only accept loose brush or trimmings bagged in paper. Pack of 30 gal paper leaf bags are available at the City office for $3 per pack (5 count).
The City contracts for complimentary monthly collection of typical yard wastes such as tree limbs, shrubbery pruning (no roots or dirt), and bagged leaves or trimmings made by Oak Hill residents. Chipper piles collected by the City are not to be any larger than 15' long X 6' wide X 5' high and no larger limbs than 4" in diameter. If you hire professionals to do your tree and shrubbery trimming, be sure to inform them that it is their responsibility to dispose of the waste. The City will not clean up after contractors.
City to Enforce Rules for Chipper Materials
The City began adhering to its guidelines for the collection of chipper material effective October 1, 2013. These guidelines have been in place for many years but have rarely been enforced over roughly the past five years.
Collecting materials outside existing guidelines costs the City about $50,000 extra per year. Adhering to these guidelines is necessary to maintain this as a free service for all residents of Oak Hill and to ensure that no one overly burdens the chipper service to the detriment of other residents.