From the City Manager: Stormwater Master Plan


From the City Manager


Stormwater Master Plan.

At the Board of Commissioner’s regular meeting held in June 2022, the board approved for Barge Design Solutions, Inc. to develop a Stormwater Master Plan for the city. We are confident that this project will greatly aid in the city’s efforts to improve our stormwater management and control.

As part of an ongoing program to study and improve the drainage network, Barge Design Solutions, Inc. (Barge) is now in the “data collection phase” of  public drainage infrastructure data in our area.  This data will be used for the purpose of developing a stormwater master plan for the City’s existing infrastructure and will be used to identify and plan for improvements to the drainage system.  The data collection efforts for this project will begin this month and will continue into April of 2023.  The Barge crew will bear a copy of a letter signed by the Oak Hill City Manager and the surveyors will be clearly identified as Barge employees.  We kindly ask that you permit them temporary access to your property for the sole purpose of gathering infrastructure data.

If you have any additional questions or wish to inquire about ongoing activities, please feel free to contact me at 615-553-7213. Thank you for your cooperation in our execution of this important data collection effort for our stormwater master plan.


J. Steven Collie

City Manager